Maintaining Your Energy in Leadership

In this ever-evolving environment we find ourselves in, mastering personal energy management is the key to steering our teams through turbulent times. As we show up for our people, it's paramount to navigate these challenges with resilience and foresight, not just for your own sake but for the well-being of your team. This is how we foster a supportive culture within our organizations.

The first piece is ruthless prioritization and can only come from you. An example that you might be familiar with: the company is facing a critical launch deadline, but there is a sudden influx of client support requests flooding in. Rather than attempting to tackle both simultaneously and risking burnout, prioritize ruthlessly. Identify the things directly impacting the launch as the top priority. Delegate the remaining items to a dedicated team member or implement a triage system to handle urgent issues while you focus on steering the launch to success. By honing in on the tasks that align with your company's immediate objectives, you maintain momentum and empower your team to excel in their respective roles. The growth and focus benefit everyone.

Next, let's talk about self-renewal. Picture this: you've been immersed in back-to-back meetings and firefighting sessions for days on end, leaving little time for personal recharge. Recognizing the importance of stepping back, you schedule regular "power breaks" throughout your day. Whether it's a 15-minute walk outside to soak up some vitamin D and fresh air or a brief meditation session (check out the app Calm) in your office to reset your mental state, these intentional breaks become non-negotiable appointments on your calendar. Additionally, you carve out time in your schedule for activities that bring you joy and relaxation outside of work, whether cooking a favorite meal, practicing a hobby (have you played pickleball yet?!), or spending quality time with loved ones. By prioritizing self-care, you not only replenish your energy reserves but also set a positive example for your team, emphasizing the importance of some level of self-attention in a high-pressure environment.

Finally, let's talk about fostering a culture of openness and empathy. When a team member makes a critical mistake that impacts a major project deadline, instead of resorting to blame or punitive measures, approach the situation with empathy and a solution-oriented mindset. You can initiate a candid one-on-one conversation with the team member, offering support and guidance to rectify the mistake and prevent similar issues in the future. For me, I often like to start out by sharing that we're going to discuss how things could be different in the future. This pulls the focus away from the blame/shame and puts the conversation on a positive path. Additionally, it's an opportunity to reinforce the importance of learning from failures and embracing a growth mindset within the team. By creating a safe space for open communication and vulnerability, you strengthen trust and camaraderie and cultivate a culture where team members feel empowered to take risks and innovate without fear of retribution.

For yourself and your team, managing personal energy as a leader isn't just about staying afloat—it's about navigating challenges with intentionality and compassion. By prioritizing effectively, practicing self-renewal, and fostering a supportive culture, you lay the foundation for sustained success and resilience in the face of adversity. So, embrace these strategies, lead by example, and watch as your team thrives.