Photo by Jordan Madrid / Unsplash

Happiness vs Joy

thoughts Jun 12, 2024
Happiness happens in moments; joy happens in purpose

I believe too many people are chasing happiness and falling short. Happiness is that amazing bite of a Michelin star meal or the rush of finding a forgotten $20 bill in your jacket pocket. These moments of happiness are essential, giving us bursts of motivation and satisfaction. However, they're fleeting, and we can shift our focus from chasing these momentary highs to something more enduring.

Joy has a longer shelf life, rooted in purpose and the deep sense of fulfillment that comes from meaningful activities. Think about the parent teaching their child to ride a bike. Sure, there's happiness in that first successful ride, but the real joy comes from knowing they've helped their child grow and gain confidence. This joy is far more enduring than those fleeting moments of happiness.

People who find their purpose are often more resilient and content. This is where our focus should be—discovering our purpose and throwing ourselves into it wholeheartedly. It's about making a meaningful contribution to the world, others, and ourselves. This collective joy fuels long-term motivation and a sense of community, something we desperately need more of today.

I encourage everyone to find their "why." Why are you here? Discover the reason you get up in the morning beyond immediate pleasures and align your activities with that purpose. This will cultivate the joy that so many are endlessly chasing.


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